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Vacon 20
Although extremely compact in size, the VACON 20 is packed with functionality to help improve system performance and cost efficiency. Fast installation and set-up are possible due to easy-access terminals, integral DIN rail mounting and the parameter copying tool which can clone settings without needing mains power. The parameter list can be freely modified and application-specific parameter sets and default settings can be created. PLC functionality means individual control logic can be built into the drive and unused I/O options can be used for other machine-related tasks.
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VACON 20 X is a decentralized drive that can either be mounted directly onto a motor or very close by wherever it is located. Its outdoor enclosure protection ensures maximum performance in challenging conditions where heat, dirt and vibration levels are high. The use of electrical rooms is minimized and cabling costs reduced as the drive can be installed as close to the motor as possible. A protective vent ensures pressure inside the drive is equalized with the surrounding environment. It acts as a barrier against condensation, dust and dirt to ensure reliable drive operation and to prevent the rubber seals from wearing down. VACON 20 X is quick to install and easy to keep clean. And the built-it PLC functionality makes custom-made software solutions possible.
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